Mr. Anvil Phoenix, April 12-13 by Mark Levesque

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This weekend also marks the Anvil Bar’s 14th anniversary and kicks off on Thursday, April 11. The Mr. Anvil Phoenix contestants will be on hand for a special edition of Contestant Karaoke. Friday, April 12, Anvil will host the contestants for a meet and greet. Contestants can take a stab at Go-Go box dancing in front of the judges and demonstrate their fundraising prowess with a sticker sash mini-contest.

The centerpiece of the weekend takes place the evening of Saturday, April 12 when the Arizona Men of Leather are proud to present the Mr. Anvil Phoenix 2024 Contest. The winner will represent Anvil Bar throughout 2024, and will represent Anvil Bar at the International Mr. Leather contest in Chicago in 2025.